nest (v.) To create and settle into a warm and secure refuge.

nomad (n.) A person with no fixed residence, who roams about. A wanderer.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Spirals on the Way!

The spirals are coming, the spirals are coming! I'm indulging my latest obsession for silver spirals, and have been creating prototypes left and right. I've got some sterling wire on order, so the good stuff will soon be available in my Etsy shop....

Where did this obsession begin? Why, in the hills of Northern Thailand, of course! I encountered a lot of Karen Hill Tribe silver jewelry, and purchased some nifty pieces there. Then I discovered Stefan, an interesting German fellow living out in the country with his lovely Thai wife, making very interesting silver jewelry. I'm still working out exactly what technique he used for those pieces (it involved fire and such), but for now I'm happy to create these simple hammered spirals.

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